Self Isolation – Day 3

So I have not felt great.. But like, manageably not great?

My temperature stays pretty high unless I take paracetamol, and unfortunately I have been a little bit patchy with it today. So symptoms are; feeling weird/low energy, high temperature and a slight chesty cough. (Honestly it is super pathetic sounding. eh eheh etc etc.)

I really need to get a schedule for the day going for me.. I have not done much with my time because I have not had much energy. But I think some structure would really help with that. I did practice some french, and I did go for a short, people-avoiding walk. It takes approximately a minute to get from my house onto a field (woop privilege) and two horse friends were hanging about there. (sounds more interesting then the reality – they were highly aloof).

I feel bad that this blog is not more interesting. Honestly I did not really expect to be this ill, or really ill at all. The main fun thing of today has been playing DrawSomething with my sister – a stupid guess-what-the-word-is-from-the-image thing. My favourite was drawing a bunny, which happens to be her nickname, and I simply wrote ‘you’. She didn’t get it…. But her fiance got it immediately.

You may guess she wasn’t amused…


Self Isolation – Day 2

Last night sucked.

My inclination towards disbelieving my body did not do me any favours. In the late afternoon my temperature rose to a cozy 37.4. The whole body ache was awful and, when lying down to try and sleep, my breathing was difficult. This made my heart beat faster, and I spent a good hour or so trying to keep calm and sleep.

Thankfully I ended up giving up and went downstairs. My mum is the best. She showed me an account of a lady who has had the full blown virus (we think what I have is quite mild as it is only a slight cough and as long as i’m on paracetamol I can function like a real person) and drank whiskey and chatted. It was really fun and around 3am and 2 drams down I finally got to sleep.

Today the plan is to finish tidying my sisters room and to watch the Witcher. I have already applied for SSP, as well as kept in touch with my jobs.

Productivity! Whoo


Self Isolation – Day 1

Today I sent myself home from work. I have had a slight chesty cough, aching muscles and was feeling weeeeird at my desk (hot flushes I am not certain were not from my tea..?).

The government has set out the guidelines pretty clearly, you have any of the above symptoms you go home and you stay there.

So 7 days of minimal human contact begins, and I have decided to try and diary my way through this event. (Hopes are high.. but expectations low.)

This I will do by setting a 5 minute timer and writing about what’s on my mind. The timed bit is important because it tricks my brain into starting something. If I only write for a short amount of time, then it is not an important thing I should be procrastinating about. Haha brain! Sure fooled you!

Please expect this to get real weird real fast.